Saturday, November 1, 2008

Flame, Roseville, Minnesota

Flame is a classic American grill that definitely enjoys and likes to display fire (hence the name, or did the name before the fire...)

Served in a medium height wide round ramekin on a medium sized dessert plate. Topped with a mound of colored powdered sugar.

Crust is medium to light in thickness and density. The taste is classical.

Very strong vanilla flavor. Density is light but a bit thicker than the "whipped cream" style creme brulees. It is very consistent though and does not lean toward liquidity at all which is nice. The temperature is cool.

Overall Impression:
Overall I think this was a very pleasant creme brulee. It isn't gonna blow you out of the water in any way, but the classic vanilla taste along with a well done crust makes for an overall pleasant dessert that was the highlight of my meal there. The powdered sugar definitely added something new for me. I've seen it dusted lightly on the top of crusts before, but never piled on as it was for this one. It made for a fun textural dichotomy which I definitely enjoyed.


1 comment:

crème brûlée|creme brûlée|crème brulée|crème brûlee|crème brulee|creme brulée|creme brulee|burnt cream